Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!

("Da Debt", Cartoonist, Troy Johnson)

A baby's first words might be "ma ma" or "da da".  This cartoon is a play on that as baby new year hides the face in preference of the dark hat to hide the mountain of IOUs that have been passed from 2010.  Funny how that debt doesn't disappear.  It's the interest that never sleeps as they say.

So what are we going to do about it?  Maybe a new House will clean House in Congress.  Maybe we will get some of our spending under control.  And maybe not.  Maybe we will be left to choose some new housekeepers again in the future.  

Millions of suffering Americans have gone through their own debt crisis during the Great Recession.  Personal Bankruptcies were up over 9% last year and California and Arizona were apparently the states hardest hit.  Yes, money may talk and in this case it has some unpleasant messages to exchange.

Let's do our part to hold our elected officials responsible for the fiscal choices they make on our behalf.  This isn't life in a bubble.  This is life that is affecting nearly all Americans.  May America's financial strength return again and may this year's end be a better picture to behold.

Keep Smiling!
