Monday, December 19, 2011

Cartoon: Is Newt Gingrich Really "The One"?

Cartoon:  Is He "The One" ?

Is Newt Gingrich just a temp?  Another flash in the pan GOP contender here today gone tomorrow?  Time will tell, but current indications are this horse race could be up for grabs with Gingrich, Romney, and now even Paul making a strong charge toward the Iowa Caucus January 3rd, 2012.  Even this week of Christmas is a firebox of activity by many candidates  (see for individual candidates plans for the week).  

According to today, there are indications that Gingrich may not be the last man standing in Iowa come January.

"A new poll from Public Policy Polling shows that Ron Paul has taken the lead in the Iowa caucus race, while Newt Gingrich's support is fading fast. A different Gallup poll shows Gringrich still holding the lead, but slipping, while The New York Times has Paul in the lead as well.
Gingrich has seen his numbers in the PPP poll drop from 27 percent to 14 percent in just three weeks, while his favorability rating is now split at 46 percent for to 47 percent against, the worst of any candidate not named Jon Huntsman. That's quite a fall for someone who looked to be running away with the state and taking charge on the national level."
Should be an interesting encore to the holiday activities this year! 
Troy Johnson

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My Favorite Things: Mitt's Hair, Newt's Responses, Obama's Exit (2013)

Cartoon: My Favorite Things  Copyright 2011 by Troy Johnson

As we're screaming toward 2012 and the time to choose candidates and choose sides, it will be fairly obvious that I'm not completely happy with the GOP choices.  That's nothing new for recent years actually.  But each candidate does have his strong points.  So I focused on Mitt's hair and Newt's responses.  T.I.C. yes, but where policies are concerned, I was trying to build on some thing constructive, rather than focus on the flip flopping of Mitt or the whining and infidelity of Newt (those things are in the personal arena for many people).  

I suppose for those like myself who are far from enamored by the President, if he does take an exit in 2013, I will be feeling better in spite of the GOP shortcomings.  Then "I won't feel so bad".  But as powerful as one man being the President may be, the troubles of today can't be laid solely at his feet.  He had a ready contingent to assist.  I'll just choose to focus on my favorite things and not get into the more unsavory realities.  

Troy Johnson
See my other blogs and page

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Another Slogan for Obama (Cartoon)

("Obama Can":  Cartoon by Troy Johnson)

Here we are again.  The unveiling of a new slogan.  "We Can't Wait".  Before that, "Hope and Change", "Yes We Can", "Change We Can Believe In", among others.  The often touted master campaigner, the campaign chameleon, President Obama has launched into a new phase.  It seems to be a unilateral mission to change what he can- on his own now.  Without the shackles of Congress to constrain him, now against him rather than for him in his first two years,  the President appears to be on a mission to save America here and now.  Or later.  Whenever.

Anything that helps in the re-election effort actually.  Can't pay for the mortgage?  Nor the student loan?  He's the deliverer.  If you don't mind big government stepping in and transferring American tax payer dollars at large to benefit a segment of the population that finds itself struggling to meet their own private obligations.  If you don't mind Big Brother teaching Americans there's always a way, if it's Obama's way. 

But people really need the help!  (And Obama really needs the votes).  Some will say he's stymied by the conservative right who can't seem to afford him the resources to move forward with more government intervention on behalf of needy Americans.  If Obama can't solve the problem, maybe money will.  Yet again.

And so the political divide widens.  America, built on individualism and capitalism, matched against the murmuring masses of Occupy Everywhere.  Can Obama really do it or is "Yes We Can" merely a slogan of the past.? A promise that is past?  Time will tell, but for now, let's get the Pumpkin cans out and deal with something real world.

Troy Johnson

Monday, September 26, 2011

Perry and the gift of tongues

So the plot thickens for the Republican nominee.  What started as a comfortable lead for Rick Perry may now be a dwindling.  Herman Cain won Florida's GOP Straw Poll last week while Perry trailed a somewhat distant second.  Mind you Cain captured 37% of the votes of the little more than 2600 straw poll voters while Rick Perry captured 15%, but critics are now stirring and pointing to a GOP stage that they say hasn't truly found it's lead man yet.  

Despite his sprint out of the gates, Perry appears to be a little gassed after the recent debates.  He has spoken and what he has said has raised concern among many conservatives.  He was blasted and booed for a Texas policy that allows illegal immigrants to qualify for in-state funding for their college education with better rates than non-Texans studying in the state can obtain.  

Perry also took hits for his stance on social security, which he has called unconstitutional.  While there are many who support nixing the program, Romney is quick to highlight the concerns of older Americans who are fearful he might decimate their future benefits.  Perry for his part seems to be taking a softer stance, wanting to implement the phase out during a new program roll-out for younger Americans.  

Many conservatives have also criticized Governor Perry on foreign policy.  It appears that this segment of his platform needs drastic development measures.  With all of this in mind, Perry must scramble to prepare for the next debate on October 11th.  Will the results of last weekend force the Perry camp to reevaluate their debate strategies?  Could the debates be an increasing liability for the Governor?  Stay tuned....  This horse race could get even more interesting!

Troy Johnson

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Rick Perry off fiddlin' with the campaign while Texas burns

Rick Perry "Fiddlin' With The Campaign" Cartoon by Troy Johnson

A bid for the Presidency leaves no room for error.  How to make everyone happy?  It's really a pick your poison proposition.  The conservative right has latched onto Perry since making his entry into the race in August.  During the Summer months Texas has also seen a continuing Texas size helping of wild fires.  Initially Perry came back to Texas from the campaign trail when fires were roaring, particularly the Bastrop Fire which is now 80% contained.  This week brought 114 wild fire reports to the lone star state.  The Texas triple digit heat returned for a stint this week as well, while cooler temps came toward week's end.

With both his Presidential bid and the Texas wildfires heating up, Perry finds himself challenged by his own philosophical positions.  You will remember he chided Obama for not offering enough Federal aid to Texas to help fight the fires.  This doesn't sit well with Tea Party folks who espouse a smaller federal government while advocating states' rights.  Yet fulfilling his duties as governor has required a "do what's best for the state" approach, which means at least temporarily looking to big brother for some help.

After his return to Texas from the campaign trail earlier this month to wear the governor's hat, it appears that the fires rage on. Trying to play the campaign fiddle as well as the governor fiddle may prove cannibalistic.  Too much attention to one may draw critical views from the other.  Time will tell if all this fiddlin' with the campaign may ironically weaken his ability to manage his state, which in turn may weaken his Presidential bid which touts the prosperity of Texas under his watch.

Troy Johnson

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Reflecting on 9/11/11

                                  Reflections on 9/11.  Cartoon by Troy Johnson (Copyright 2011)

Like many Americans last Sunday was a time for deep reflection.  I was asked earlier in the week by the editor of the Waxahachie Daily Light if I would put together a cartoon tribute for a special 9/11 edition they had planned for Sunday.  I was honored to do so of course. My feelings for the historic day run deep as I imagine it did for Americans after the Pearl Harbor attacks in 1941.

So what goes into drawing a cartoon such as this?  Where I started with this cartoon was with images.  Images I had seen hundreds of times over the years, and images that have come to symbolize what 9/11 is to all of us.  In a cartoon such as this the cartoonist has a fraction of a second, perhaps more to connect with the reader.  The symbols of this cartoon include the remains of the towers, a mirage of sorts of the N.Y. skyline, and the American flag.  I wanted to have these elements in the background and be almost dreamlike in quality much as we have these images seared in our minds from that day.

The candles are of course representative of the vigils held in honor of those whose lives were taken.  They also mimic the towers as they once stood from the drawn perspective.  Just as the buildings were held up by the foundations and steel, 9/11 is held up by us, those who hold it in our hearts and symbolic hands. Who take action to remember what this day means to all us as Americans.  I pray that we will all reflect on the poignant memories and move forward with a poignant resolve to uphold the values of America, and defend those values that all who wish to live by the liberties of the American way can do so, come what may.

Troy Johnson

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Can Mitt REALLY win the GOP nomination?

                                            (Cartoon copyright 2011 by Troy Johnson)

Judging from the broadway mega-hit The Book of Mormon musical, there seems to be a certain fascination with many things Mormon.  And what is the tag most often associated with Mitt Romney?  Well, yes, Romneycare too, and former governor, but for some it's "Mormon"?  Yesterday, Jon Huntsman, another Mormon also jumped into the race.  The day hadn't even slipped to the next before at least one national political cartoonist was opportunistically pouncing on TWO MORMONS in the race.

Living in the Texas, judging from Romney's past reception here, He could have the most viable plan to absolve this country of all its debts and yet a number of voters here would be having hallucinogenic visions in seeing "Mormon" printed on the ballot instead of "Mitt Romney" come November 2012.  But what an absolutely fascinating scenario that would be to measure the comparative intolerance of Texans in their deciding between Obama and Romney.  That would be Broadway baby!

So many fascinating facets to this.  Would Mormons be intolerant in their own way in voting for him just because he's Mormon? Can Bible-belters look past his "cult"?  Could he somehow garner enough positive sway with moderates or left-wingers who may have already doomed him to the Mormon brand that came with what happened in California in recent years?

It took the passing of several years and that prevailing social intolerance to finally elect our President, Barack Obama.  Mormons have faced a far less austere rejection in their history.  But they have been killed and driven like animals on grounds of there religion right here on American soil.  Those are times far past.  But is their a certain level of intolerance that remains?

Time will tell if Romney will be judged purely on politics. So many questions remain. Can Mitt get past his hurdles?  Romneycare? The rich and elite?  Mormon?  Or could this be another historic first?  ..........MAYBE.

(Troy Johnson is a political cartoonist with Troy's Toons & Caricatures near Dallas, Tx).

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Really? A new soda tax?

Cartoon: "Texas Soda Tax"

Did you see this story?  A proposed soda tax of one penny per ounce in the state of Texas.  You think that's going to fly?  Maybe in one of the liberal fringe states.  Doubtful here in Texas.

Here's the link for more details:

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Weed Traps

Ellis County Texas here in North Texas is a hotbed for drug traffic.  Seems like each week there's a drug bust around here.  Just last week a DPS officer pulled over a big rig for equipment issues.  The driver couldn't answer some of the officers questions when the paperwork didn't check out.  The driver nervously consented to a search of the vehicle.  The officer called in the K-9 unit.  Turns out the weed was hidden in the produce within the back of the truck!  Right there snuggled with the green beans no less!

Thanks to the officers who do their part to enforce our drug laws.  I'm sure there is contraband that does get through the checkpoints.  But here's to hoping for continued success to our local law enforcement team.  Thanks for your efforts!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!

("Da Debt", Cartoonist, Troy Johnson)

A baby's first words might be "ma ma" or "da da".  This cartoon is a play on that as baby new year hides the face in preference of the dark hat to hide the mountain of IOUs that have been passed from 2010.  Funny how that debt doesn't disappear.  It's the interest that never sleeps as they say.

So what are we going to do about it?  Maybe a new House will clean House in Congress.  Maybe we will get some of our spending under control.  And maybe not.  Maybe we will be left to choose some new housekeepers again in the future.  

Millions of suffering Americans have gone through their own debt crisis during the Great Recession.  Personal Bankruptcies were up over 9% last year and California and Arizona were apparently the states hardest hit.  Yes, money may talk and in this case it has some unpleasant messages to exchange.

Let's do our part to hold our elected officials responsible for the fiscal choices they make on our behalf.  This isn't life in a bubble.  This is life that is affecting nearly all Americans.  May America's financial strength return again and may this year's end be a better picture to behold.

Keep Smiling!
